Voice to text / Dictation
Please add a possibility to use voice to text for situations where we can't use our hands.
Comments: 93
12 Dec, '19
ClaudioOh yesss, absolutely! I miss the possibility to dictate text, especially while driving!
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12 Dec, '19
DavidBut please, don't use google that requires to install Google bloatware to use voice to text
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13 Dec, '19
Tillon Android you could switch keyboard to "Google Voice typing"
you can do this in the notification bar on the top of the screen, as long you got any keyboard open -
25 Dec, '19
ArminSpeech to text is imperative.
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27 Dec, '19
LeighWhen driving. Dictations. Docktors notes
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05 Jan, '20
HaysYes, this is what I miss the most. I will keep app but until they update with this feature, I will have to use gboard, ugh.
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31 Jan, '20
MikePlease add Voice Dictation Button.
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07 Mar, '20
ToddWithout voice this app is dead. The future is voice. It breaks down culture barriers.
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12 Mar, '20
Frank TThis is the one thing keeping me from using this keyboard.
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30 Mar, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"Voice texting" (suggested by Don Mahoney Jr on 2020-03-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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30 Mar, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"microphone" (suggested by Alan M on 2020-03-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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20 Apr, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"Voice text microphone key" (suggested by Clint Van Coller on 2020-04-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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20 Apr, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"somehow someway integrate talk to text then it would be the greatest design change since ever!" (suggested by Michael Sharpe on 2020-04-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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29 Apr, '20
JpIf you add this please allow for the ability to delete as we are in fixate mode if apple lets you do that.
30 Apr, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"ADD VOICE TYPING ( microphone)" (suggested by Freddie Andros on 2020-04-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 Aug, '20
M GordonI hoped to have a better voice to txt. Googles couldn't be worse when you use more than 1 language . I assume a swiss company will have that rather in their DNA.
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24 Sep, '20
SeejayVoice typing yeah.....
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25 Sep, '20
JoergBizarre that this keyboard doesn't have something so basic. Not usable without voice typing, and constantly switching to another keyboard isn't really worth the effort to switch back
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05 Oct, '20
Boris BergmannStimme-zu-Text ist eigentlich das Einzige, was der Tastatur zur Perfektion fehlt
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13 Oct, '20
RudyIt's pretty shortsighted. To not include voice to text. Unfortunately i'll have to uninstall the app until this is added.
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06 Dec, '20
David CherelinI use voice to text all the time. It's not always accurate, but for a quick message when I don't have both hands free, or when I'm having trouble figuring out the spelling of a word or name.....
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08 Dec, '20
profrayAs I am slowly losing my manual dexterity, I would very much appreciate the addition of a voice to text function.
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19 Dec, '20
Hans MergedIf you want to enter a text with the Android function "Voice to Text" it would be good if you could find the microphone symbol on the keyboard.
Apart from that it's a great app! -
21 Dec, '20
Jim MergedA button that controls the mic. 😁
22 Dec, '20
Ian CossetteYou could possibly implement this is holding one of the space keys
Thank you -
23 Dec, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"Add a mic button.a" (suggested by Jim on 2020-12-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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23 Dec, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"Microphone for "Voice to Text" missing" (suggested by Hans on 2020-12-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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31 Dec, '20
Jesse D.I love typewise's logic and layout, but not having speech to text is a deal breaker. I'll come back to typewise when it has one-touch voice to text. Keep up the great work, you guys!!!
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31 Dec, '20
MaryUnable to switch back to Apple keyboard to use the Voice to Text.
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01 Jan, '21
VictorI agree wit everyone. I think this keyboard is great but without the voice-to-text i find myself questioning its usage. To switch keyboards is cumbersome. There no quick switch so it'll be harder to switch back eventually. Someone stated above its in the notification bar but i don't see such option. I think the feature is absolutely needed i don't care if its using google version so long as it works.
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14 Jan, '21
Big MacYes. Must have voice input.
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17 Jan, '21
MaryI really need to have voice to Text.
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17 Jan, '21
CarlI can't use Typewise for IOS until there's a mic button so I can dictate when that's the easier option. :( Typewise seems great, and I want to use it, alas.
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31 Jan, '21
SandraPlease add Google voice to text option. Samsung software is terrible at recognising my accent.
31 Jan, '21
Brandon Wayne RossI agree please add voice text
ing and all is well -
01 Feb, '21
E. GurrFor years, I have been using a keyboard where I can simply switch to voice-to-text and then back to input via the keyboard. A simple microphone button is required for this. A modern keyboard must support such an efficient interaction of text input via keyboard and voice!
Furthermore, I expect typewise to support the function on the one hand and to use a translation engine that guarantees privacy on the other.
In my opinion, this is an absolute "must have" for typewise! -
24 Feb, '21
Jesse ErbIf you do add a voice typing feature, please give the option to let the user select their preferred voice typing engine. I personally would not use this feature if forced to use google's or apple's voice typing ai.
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25 Feb, '21
DJ StarI was all excited about the new keyboard until NO DICTATION! I cannot use it as is. So sad. I was so shocked this is not an option!
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29 Mar, '21
Ted WrightI need voice to text.
I'm going back to gboard until you have this working. -
07 Apr, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"Absolutely must have MICROPHONE" (suggested by WAB on 2021-04-06), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Apr, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"Spracheingabe" (suggested by Didi Heerdt on 2021-03-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Apr, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"Microphone Icon for Dictate Missing" (suggested by Piet on 2021-03-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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07 Apr, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"microphone" (suggested by Todd Strickland on 2021-02-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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29 Apr, '21
Michael PollackDealbreaker without voice to text and a microphone button. Total shame it lacks this. Long press of a spacebar button should activate mic.
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04 May, '21
TobyNo mic. No deal. So bummed.
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04 May, '21
David FritschI have not figured out how to use typewise together with voice typing..
I first thought oh wow how innovative.. but having no possibility to to dictate is an absolute no go for me.
voice typing is is far quicker and more natural. nevertheless one has to type one or the other word and then I would like to use typewise.
I guess it is complicated to incorporate voice typing... hopefully you will find a way to do so
and create the best possible user experience.. or hire me and I will create a new concept for all of this. this is a very important topic. -
29 May, '21
HeikeIt is clear to me that voice typing contradicts your privacy statement. BUT - a quick switch between type wise and the ordinary keyboard (iPhone keyboard in my case) to do the dictating seems like a good interims solution to me.
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11 Jun, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"talk to text input" (suggested by G on 2021-06-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Jun, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"Speak to text" (suggested by Brian M on 2021-06-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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11 Jun, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"Talk to text" (suggested by XxKingJTuckxX on 2021-04-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.