Customizable special characters
I use "-" very often. Please implement a way to modify the special characters on the main layer so everyone can adjust them to his needs.
Comments: 17
12 Dec, '19
Sven K.Would be great, if the left Space Key could be used to place a preferred additional character. I am missing the @ on the standard keyboard to enter email addresses.
26 Feb, '20
Peter BerwertYes please! An option to change the composition of the .:,; or ?"!'-key to better serve my personal needs for special characters would be a value
Peter -
17 Jul, '20
GL WilkieEspecially the ¢ symbol. We in the US love to throw in our 2¢ worth of opinion!
17 Aug, '20
EFRwhatever the way it's implemented, it would be great to have a more direct access to some special characters
11 Sep, '20
DenisThe only thing i really want is auto capitalising the "i"s & switching the "." & "," around, as i use the comma much more often
29 Oct, '20
Tojaw MergedIt would be great if you could access special characters by holding normal letters which either don't have a regional form or where I deactivated said form.
04 Nov, '20
ErnstMissing "@' and '-' on the frontpage
27 Nov, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"Long-press for special characters ob letters without accents" (suggested by Tojaw on 2020-10-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Dec, '20
Christine May Mergedplease insert an additional line above the letters with the numbers and shorten the space key and add left and right symbols often used as @, #, -, = and (). That would be great.
10 Dec, '20
Janis Berneker Admin"new first level icons" (suggested by Christine May on 2020-12-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Dec, '20
Dani"whatever the way it's implemented, it would be great to have a more direct access to some special characters"
I see it the same way, it's a very nice keyboard. Having some more features, like more direct access to special characters (customizable is nowadays very important) is a big plus. -
07 Apr, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"Rearrange symbols" (suggested by Seres on 2021-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Jun, '21
brad bradley MergedThere are many keys which could have long-press alternatives - individually assignable would be excellent. And adjustable long-press interval in settings- great keyboard!
23 Jun, '21
Janis Berneker Admin"long-press for numbers and language-specific symbols" (suggested by brad bradley on 2021-06-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Aug, '21
Jan RüeggAlso typing number with a long press and / or up swipe would be super useful. Eg: a + long-press = "(", r + long-press=")", w + long-press = "1" etc.
07 Dec, '21
Michael Drew Prior MergedIt’s very different to type a ,.:;!?”or’—they need to be separated more.
14 Feb, '22
Anne Admin"Improve the two four-character keys—,.;:and?!”’." (suggested by Michael Drew Prior on 2021-12-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.