Bring back these pre-update features

1 votes

I noticed in the latest update a bunch of features have been added.

From which include replacement of down-swipes to long-press to access the lower-half characters on tiles which makes my typing significantly slower, common special characters are now harder to access e.g.(") which would make sense to be swapped with e.g.(§) that for some reason is more accesible, but what irritates me the most is the noticeably larger deadzone for right-swipes (space).

My typing accuracy and speed has dropped dramatically ever since to the point I am no longer getting advantage from this keyboard. I understand the deadzone-thing is to incentivize premium purchase but these replacements as a whole are just a mere downgrade.

I usually need to type fast so it's a shame having to switch back to gboard after these 2 weeks of learning.

Done Suggested by: Typewise user Upvoted: 29 Nov, '22 Comments: 0

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